皇家88娱乐的专家采用全面的方法来设计安全系统,以确保所有安全元素协同工作,以获得最大的效率,并针对您的需求. 服务包括物理和技术 安全评估; security design consulting; protective design, including blast analysis and ballistic and hazardous fragment protection; security operations center (SOC) design and consulting; CPTED; mass notification risk assessment; and armed aggressor egress modeling.
征求建议书(rfp) +投标支持
作为皇家88娱乐设计过程的一部分, 皇家88娱乐可以帮助寻找和审查正确的安全系统供应商, 集成商或安装商通过让皇家88娱乐开发请求提案(RFP). 服务 include identification of security design requirements; integration into an architectural package; creation and publication of an RFP package; and evaluation of RFP responses and negotiation support.